Reclaiming your natural energetic high
When you feel tired and exhausted you are looking for a quick and easy way to boost your energy which is completely understandable, right?
You may have tried coffee and chocolate, but it doesn’t seem to be working and you are left feeling fed up and angry that you just don’t have the energy to do what you want or need to during the day. You are probably frustrated and internally screaming to yourself, what do I need to do to my life and vitality back. I know I was.
The truth is that when you are chronically tired or have the extreme fatigue of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, there isn’t a quick fix, BUT there is lots of things you can do that can help you to feel more energised.
In this blog, I am going to share with you 3 simple changes you can easily incorporate into your daily life that can make a difference to your energy levels and how you feel.
Take it from me, I’ve been there, I know how it feels and I made the changes and discovered that ‘every little helps’ when recovering from CFS.
The elixir of life - yes water!
You’ve been told water is good for you, but it doesn’t really feel like the 1st thing you’d reach for when you feel like you are flagging does it?
You have probably been reaching for a coffee or an energy drink and then left feeling that energy low once the sugar or caffeine boost has worn off. However, plain and humble water is involved in may of the body’s processes that help produce the energy we need to get through the day, so it makes sense to give our body what it needs. So drinking more water, from the tap, is not only a ‘free’ option, it could help you to feel more energised too.
Take a deep breath
When you are feeling tired most of the time, it can leave you feeling anxious and stressed about being tired. Your breathing becomes shallow and it could mean that you are limiting the oxygen coming into your lungs which in turn means you are not getting the optimum amount of oxygen into your body’s cells. Your cells need oxygen to produce energy, so if it’s limited, this could be contributing to the fatigue you are experiencing.
The trouble is that this pattern of breathing can become habitual, but the good news is that it can be easily remedied. In my blog The One Simple thing you can change for increased energy, I guide you through 5 easy ways you can start to take a full breath once again.
Love the green stuff
I know I will sound like your mother by telling you to eat your greens, but your mother knew what she was talking about! Green vegetables like broccoli, kale, rocket and chard are real powerhouses for fuelling our bodies being packed with the vitamins and minerals that help our body produce the energy we need.
So, by cutting down on sweet snacks and adding more of the green stuff into your life, you will be giving your body the fuel it needs to make that all important energy.
Want more free or low-cost energy boosting ideas?
I know just how important boosting your energy is when you are fed up with the seemingly never ending fatigue. That is why I have written my ‘How to Reclaim Your Natural Energetic High without spending a fortune on supplements - 7 Simple Energy Boosters for CFS Sufferers’.
In this toolkit, I guide you through 7 very different ways that could help you to start the process of bringing that all important energy back into your life. In my experience getting more energy isn’t down to just one thing, but a number of small changes, working together that could help you to experience a difference. Why not give it a go and see if it works for you?
Important Information
Please remember If you are experiencing fatigue, feel tired all the time or Chronic Fatigue symptoms, it is very important you first discuss how you are feeling with your GP before you start making any lifestyle changes. He/she may arrange tests and work with you to rule out any other serious illness and conditions such as low iron that can cause chronic tiredness.
This content is provided for educational and information purposes only and does not constitute advice. It is recommended that prior to making any diet or other lifestyle changes, you discuss these with your doctor or health care practitioner. If you have a medical condition, are taking medication prescribed by your doctor, are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should always consult your GP or a healthcare practitioner before taking any new supplements or making any significant lifestyle changes.